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What is tiger’s eye and how to use it to enhance good energy?

According to the practice of feng shuihe Tiger’s Eye It can boost good energy. It is a variety of quartz, a precious stone characterized by compacted microscopic crystals, but how should it be used? In The Truth News We share what you should know.

This type of quartz is composed of limonite, which is why this precious stone has vertical bands as if it were the eye of a tiger, which is why it is known by that name due to its brown and yellowish tones.

This stone can also be a amuletBecause it is charged with positive energy, it is also considered the ying yang stone, this energy protects against bad vibrations.

Where to place the tiger’s eye according to Feng shui?

The tiger’s eye should be placed in the hall of the house

This practice mentions that it should be placed in the bedroom or in the study place of the house, to attract professional growth and undertake new projects. It can also be placed in the hall to attract abundance.

And it is that, according to the practice of Feng Shui, this stone attracts the wealth and avoid dangers, in the same way this mineral is connected with the 7 chakras, and is related to concentration and creativity.

On the other hand, having this stone as an amulet has benefits such as:

  • Relieves back or headaches
  • Increases self-esteem
  • drive away negative energy
  • Promotes spiritual balance

It may interest you: Feng shui: Where should jade quartz go to attract good luck?

What happens if I sleep with a tiger’s eye?

If you sleep with the eye of the tiger you will have a deep and restful sleep

According to the practice of Feng shui, if the person sleeps with the gemstone of a tiger’s eye, they will be able to have a deep sleep, it relieves sadness and helps to have a restful sleep, it also improves the reception of dreams.

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