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What is Windows 11S and how to change it on your computer?

What is Windows 11S and how to change it on your computer?

Windows 11S is a version of the latest computer operating system that has been released Microsoft: Windows 11. But this version has its own benefits, as well as some drawbacks.

This Windows 11S it focuses more on security and performance, however, it has some limitations. Since to ensure the security of the computer, it only accepts applications from Microsoft Store and you can only navigate in microsoft edgeyour browser.

It is also ideal for computers with more limited hardware and software resources, it is like a windows 11 lite. For this reason, its use is simplified by simulating Apple’s iOS system.

These are its disadvantages and how you can change it from your computer

Advantages and disadvantages of Windows 11S.

However, despite the benefits of Windows 11SThis one has its drawbacks. These are few freedoms to install other applications that are not from Microsoft What Google.

In addition, it is quite limited software for operations that require more resources. For what many do not want to continue using it anymore, here we leave you the way to change it from your computer or laptop.

Follow these instructions that the Mundodeportivo portal shares with us:

  • Open Windows settings.
  • Visit the Activation section, within System.
  • Tap on the S Mode dropdown.
  • Click Open Store.
  • When the app store opens, click Get.
  • Wait for the changes to be applied.
  • By the time you receive the message, everything is ready! it means the S mode has disappeared.

It may interest you: Windows 11: These are 5 not so good features that will arrive soon

Is Windows 10 or Windows 11 right for you?

Windows 10 vs. Windows 11.

If you have not yet decided to change your Windows 10 to Windows 11, we tell you that it is a good idea to update so that you have the best functions of the Microsoft operating system. Like, for example, having the new security measures against viruses and malware.

Also, as we told you earlier in The Truth NewsWindows 11 just changed the design of File Explorer.

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