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What look to wear at your New Year’s party according to your sign?

On the one hand, Capricorn cares about every detail and that everything combines perfectly, the aquarians they want to be the center of attention and surely their look will be quite striking, while the superstitious of Pound they choose something more cabalistic. Are you ready to discover what the stars reveal to you? Check your sign and get ready to impact the night of December 31.

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Definitely the color white is the right one for the Arians. It is enough that they wear a garment of this color to attract good luck.


Although she plans her outfit weeks in advance, on the 31st at night she wears the first thing she finds. His look will depend on his mood.


They love to wear bright colors because they always seek to be the center of attention. Also, they have so much attitude that they don’t care if it matches or not.


Crabs don’t have such a good time at this time of year, so they don’t care about the clothes they wear to receive the new year.

Take a risk with a bold and glamorous look this December 31st. A bright and colorful dress is your best option. Photo: Getty Images.


Dresses to appear and steal glances. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, Leo will bring out his most elegant outfit to celebrate the arrival of 2023.


No matter how old they are, Virgo always wears jovial and fun looks. And on New Years he works twice as hard. She combines colors, textures and is filled with striking accessories.


They believe a lot in superstitions and cabals, so their outfit will depend on their goals for 2023. There are two colors that they never stop using: red and gold.


No matter what clothes they wear, Scorpio women prioritize their devastating makeup and men bet on seductive and long-lasting perfumes.

Black never fails. Although it is summer, a black dress is always elegant. Try to wear sparkles or sequins. Photo: Getty Images.


People born under this sign do not worry about the look they will wear on the night of the 31st, they want to have fun, dance and fully enjoy the moment.


This sign takes care of every detail to the millimeter. Everything has to be almost perfect, from her hair, well-ironed shirt or blouse, impeccable little shoes to the perfume she will use.


Gold and more gold! Especially garments that are shiny and attract glances every second. They are not figures, they just want to make an impact once a year.


Pisceans think more about their comfort than elegance. Even if it’s December 31, they will never force themselves to wear something that makes us feel good.


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