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What saint is celebrated today Tuesday June 13? Everything you need to know about today’s saints

Saint Anthony of padua It is celebrated today, Tuesday June 13, 2023 according to the calendar of the Christian saints, among other names.

Saint Anthony of Padua, a prominent Franciscan priest, was born in Portugal. At the age of 19, he entered the Monastery of San Vicente in Lisbon, but later transferred to the Monastery of Santa Cruz in Coimbra, where he was finally ordained a priest in 1219. Soon after, he decided to join the Franciscan order, where he was noted for his skill in preaching, which earned him the nickname “Ark of the Testament” given by Pope Gregory IX. He was known for his deep knowledge of the Scriptures and his eloquent sermons, full of Biblical quotations, which earned him the title of “evangelical doctor.” His ability to convey the Gospel messages clearly and movingly made him widely recognized and admired. In addition, Saint Anthony’s holiness and influence were so remarkable that he was quickly canonized by the Church, becoming the second fastest saint to be canonized.

On this Tuesday, June 13, 2023, the Catholic Church celebrates the saint of Fandila de Córdoba, Aventino martyr, Ceteo de Amiterno, Eulogio de Alejandría, Trifilio, Aquilina virgin and martyr and Felícula. Although today is known for Saint Anthony of padua and with which the Christian religion pays homage to 627,738 people in Spain.

From ABC we put at your disposal the entire list of the Saints that are celebrated today on the occasion of this tradition so deeply rooted in the Catholic religion and that makes the saints so broad.

The names of which today Tuesday, June 13, 2023 we commemorate their saint are obtained from roman martyrology. This manual brings together and updates new saints after their canonization. From time to time, the Vatican adds new names to the roman martyrology and thus the list is completed.

The feast day of the saints has its origin in our culture thanks to the catholic tradition who settled in Spain. But what does it really mean to celebrate the saint? Catholicism has taken each of the days of the year to remember (commemorate) to those illustrious Christians who, in addition, suffered the persecutions of those who repudiated the Catholic faith.

Saints today June 13

Although today’s celebration is Saint Anthony of padua , the saints are much larger so today they also commemorate their saint Fandila de Córdoba, Aventino martyr, Ceteo de Amiterno, Eulogio de Alejandría, Trifilio, Aquilina virgin and martyr and Felícula. This is because today June 13 is also the onomastics of:

© Library of Christian Authors (JL Repetto, All Saints. 2007)

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