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What to answer to your brother-in-law who will say at Christmas that we are going through a “serious crisis of masculinity”?

Article originally published in December 2018.

School difficulties, inability to flirt, high suicide rate, impotence… We hear it from supporters of all stripes and not only since #metoo: men would go wrong. Masculinity would be in crisis.

In “The crisis of masculinity, autopsy of a tenacious myth” (editions du remue-ménage), released in France on January 24, 2019, the Quebec Francis Dupuis-Déri deconstructs what is not a crisis but a speech of crisis. An anti-feminist rhetoric of which we find traces… from antiquity.

The professor of political science, who also signs works on social movements, has been working on masculinism since the 90s.” Women are far from having achieved equality so this talk has always pissed me off. ” Maintenance.

What to answer to our brother-in-law who affirms, while cutting the Yule log, that “we are going through a serious crisis of masculinity, since #metoo”?

This discourse is carried by public figures (Eric Zemmour in particular), groups of fathers (divorced fathers for example) but it is also very diffuse in society. The brother-in-law will certainly find allies around the Christmas log: most people are convinced that men are in crisis one way or another.

I generally try to defuse this discourse (I don’t say convince because we don’t succeed all the time) by using two axes. First by asking the question of the control of institutions

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