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What to do in case of a scorpion sting

One of the recommendations is to try to capture the scorpion that stung you

The scorpions They are part of the family of arachnids and it is a species that can be found throughout the year, however it registers an increase in population during the period of spring Summerespecially during hot nights.

In Mexico exist around 260 species of scorpions, but in the state of Morelos inhabit 16 of them and three of them can become extremely dangerous for humans. The bites of this arachnid derivative can cause local or general manifestations that can be mild or very serious and sometimes even cause death.

“The effects range from pain in the affected area, redness and others such as nausea, stomach pain, fever, headache or more severe symptoms such as a sore throat, runny nose and mild suffocation,” explained biologist Alberto Reyna. in an informative capsule of Aztec TV.

During the hot season it is common to run into this species (Buthiidae Family)

On the other hand, in case of encountering one of these organisms, the recommendation is don’t kill them, since they are an important part of the trophic web. When stung by a scorpion, it will be vitally important to avoid self-medication or home remedies and quickly go to a medical unit to receive timely professional care:

– If you are alone, call someone who can help you.

– Do not lose sight of the scorpion and preferably capture it.

– Keep the sting area elevated.

– Wash the affected area with soap and water.

– Do not manipulate the sting, that is, scratch, squeeze, etc.

– Apply a compress or cloth with cold water on the affected area.

– Take some painkiller from the first aid kit.

– Come quickly.

Additionally, it will be helpful to remain calm. The arachnid bite should be treated by a professional doctor as soon as possible, especially if the affected person is a minor.

Generally it is not necessary to apply aggressive treatments

Once you have arrived at the clinic and depending on the severity of the bite, you may be given a fabotherapeutic either sedative for muscle spasms, but usually no further treatment is necessary.

While for prevent the bites of scorpion in hot seasons it will be necessary to follow the following indications shared by the State Health Secretariat:

– Keep the interior and exterior of the home clean.

– In the event that the house is under construction, it will be necessary to install a flat ceiling in the main bedrooms.

– Do not walk barefoot inside the house.

– Whitewash the walls both inside and outside the house.

– Shake clothes and shoes before dressing and also the sheets before going to sleep.

These are some of the recommendations to avoid scorpion stings Shutterstock

It should be remembered that the Mexican territory has the greatest biodiversity of scorpions in the world, as it is home to 289 species of the thousand 500 registered, in addition, it is also the number one in stings and at least 12 of the species found in Mexico are dangerous for humans, according to an article published by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

The species that affect the health of people belong to the genus Centruroids. While the species that generally inhabit homes located in CDMX are Vaejovis. V. mexicanuswhich is one of the largest, since they can measure up to five centimeters long and the smallest species is the Vaejovis. V. mexicanusin both cases they have robust bodies and colorations that tend to lean towards black, they like rocky walls, shady and slightly humid places.

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