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What to do when the succulent has wrinkled leaves

In most homes there is at least one succulent. They are so easy to care for and so resistant that most people choose them to decorate their home with bright colors and without having to pay attention.

Still, the succulents They may present some other complication and it is important to pay attention to solve it in time. One of the common concerns is when plant the leaves are wrinkled.

Succulents resist droughts.

The essential thing to cure our succulent is to identify the reason why the leaves changed and deteriorated. Here we bring the list of possibilities and how to act against each one.


You may not water your succulent all you need. This species has a water reserve that is stored in its leaves. Given the lack of water in the root, it proceeds to consume the liquid from the leaf and that is when, little by little, they begin to wrinkle.

If your succulent’s leaves look like this, act fast.

To solve this inconvenience, the ideal is to give them double watering than before. You always have to wait for the soil to be dry to put water back in and thus prevent it from getting too wet. Once the leaves return to normal health, return to the normal watering schedule.


Sometimes the problem that the succulent is withering is not so visible or easy to attack. There are different types of pests that can affect the root and, no matter how much water they receive, they are not able to absorb.

The pots always have to have drainage holes.

In these cases, it is necessary to check the state of the roots, separate those that are damaged and transplant the succulent with new soil to another pot. If a new container is not accessible, it is important to thoroughly disinfect the old one before using it again.


High temperatures make succulents consume more water because it evaporates at a higher rate. For efficient watering, never do it during the hottest hours, always try to do it early in the morning or very late at night.

Choose the right pot size for your succulent.

Too much water

Overwatering succulents presents a mistake: the leaves shrivel, droop, and risk rotting. If the earth is always wet and the leaves are wrinkled, it is because they have more water than they need.

Clean the leaves in poor condition and do not water the plant again until the substrate is dry. That way you’ll make sure the root absorbed what it could.

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