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What to produce after House of the Dragon? HBO hesitates between GoT spin-offs

Writer George RR Martin reports that HBO is still considering other Game of Thrones spin-off projects. The reflection is progressing, but no green light has yet been announced.

The after Game of Thrones is now launched, with House of the Dragon whose season one concluded on October 23. The series, which takes place decades before the plot of GoT, received a strong critical and popular reception, enough to delight HBO, the television channel which broadcasts it. Now the production has set its sights on Season 2 of House of the Dragon.

How many seasons will there be in total for HotD? It’s probably too early to tell, and maybe HBO doesn’t know yet either — especially since season 2 of House of the Dragon is not for now. With filming scheduled to start in the spring of 2023, the release of the following episodes will probably not happen before 2024, the time to do all the post-production.

HBO thinks about the sequel: what series after House of the Dragon ?

There is obviously another unknown that captures the mind of HBO: what other series derived from Game Of Thrones produce next? Obviously, the chain has not yet decided this thorny question, according to a stage point shared on December 28 by George RR Martin, the American writer to whom we owe The iron Throne and Fire & Bloodthe literary bases of GoT and HotD.

On his blog, the author made it clear that the discussions are continuing, while being careful not to say too much. ” Any [des autres séries en cours de développement avec HBO, NDLR] hasn’t been approved yet, but hopefully…maybe soon “. He suggests in passing that the adventures around HBO Max this summer “ have had an impact », which we guess negative.

Rhaenyra Targaryen, daughter of Viserys, heiress to the throne. A key character in the HotD series. // Source: HBO

We know that several projects coexist at HBO: there is of course a spin-off centered on Jon Snow, to which Kit Harrington, the actor who plays him, is very attached. George RR Martin is obviously in the loop, but nothing says that this project will come to an end. And this, despite the great popularity enjoyed by the character of Jon Snow, one of the heroes of GoT.

Caution is obviously required: before House of the DragonHBO had another series in mind: The Long Night / Bloodmoon. Announced in 2018, it was canceled in 2019, swallowing up a few million dollars and a pilot that we will probably never see. The casting had been made and included in its ranks the actress Naomi Watts.

A few projects got shelved, but I wouldn’t say they died »


Other projects have been mentioned in the specialist press for months. We are talking about The Hedge Knightseries which would be on the adventures of Dunk and the Egg, Ten Thousand Shipsabout Princess Nymeria, sea ​​snakewhich would depict the maritime voyages of Corlys Velaryon, Culpablewhere we would see the shallows of Port-Réal, and a series of animation.

Some [de ces projets] move faster than others, as is always the case in developmentadds GRRM. A few were put aside, but I wouldn’t say they died. You can take something off the shelf as easily as you can put it on the shelf “. But what he doesn’t say is if any other projects have come on the shelf since then.

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