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What to see today on Netflix: this movie mixes the best of John Wick with a Ghost Recon-style military that will make your jaw drop

What to see today on Netflix: this movie mixes the best of John Wick with a Ghost Recon-style military that will make your jaw drop

The premiere of John Wick 4 has not left much room for debate: we are before one of the best action movies of the last times. His time in the cinema has been spectacular and his arrival on Prime Video has filled a void that fans of this type of action could not fill since we left the cinema.

Gun-Fu, the most popular fighting style in John Wick, has been popularized both in the movies and in video games. If you are looking for more movies with this roll, then you should access Netflix and put in the search engine: Tyler Rake 2 o Extraction 2although surely you will not need it because it is usually on the cover.

Tyler Rake 2 is the sequel to Tyler Rake o Extraction. Chris Hemsworth leaves Thor aside to get into the shoes of an ex-SASR soldier and current mercenary for hire. After an incredible and claustrophobic mission in Dhaka, Bangladesh during the first film, he returns for a new order more loaded with action, shootings and cool choreography.

Tyler Rake’s action follows in the wake of John Wick with his Gun-Fubut with a much more style military and practical. Without so much paraphernalia. In general, there is a military atmosphere, more realistic tactics are used and the tone is more serious, although without taking itself too seriously. Fans of Call of Duty, Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell I’m sure they enjoy it like few others.

Another incredible aspect is that it is recorded almost entirely in sequence shot, including all action scenes. The work of Chris Hemsworth, the stunt team and the choreographers have nothing to envy John Wick. If you’re in the mood for gunfights and good action, check them both out.

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