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What traditions must invariably be observed on New Year’s Eve

What traditions must always be respected on New Year’s

Here, what traditions make us think that if you follow, the new year will be full of prosperity and luck.

TO New Year’s everyone wants the event to run flawlessly because, deep down, we are all a bit superstitious. Especially on the evening of the last day of the year, therefore, there is a desire to follow them traditions and those customs that have accompanied us for years. Yes, because, in this way, it is thought that by finishing well, one can start as well. In short, there is a lot of emotion for what is the most awaited party of the year, together with Christmas.

New Year’s Eve is the most awaited party of the

So let’s see what we will have to do on New Year’s Eve if we want to stick to traditions. One of the most accredited and followed customs by the people concerns the table. Consequently, they must never be missing at dinner cotechino and lentils, which, again by tradition, can also be eaten with the hands. Next, we will have to have at the table: grapes, pomegranate, red fruit and also a red candle. But, it didn’t end there. Let’s see again what other things should be associated according to i superstitious rites.

Superstitious rites against bad luck and traditions

Furthermore, to ward off bad luck, the Red pepper. TO Naples, it is considered a real talisman against the evil eye and it is produced in all possible ways. It is, therefore, a really fun ritual, especially if accompanied by other symbols, such as those produced in pendants with the face of Pulcinella. In short, if we want to ward off the evil eye, we will have various tools to do so, especially in countries where tradition has been stratified for centuries.

Again, among the traditions that must invariably be respected, there is that of wearing red underwear. It absolutely cannot be missed! Otherwise, we will have the feeling that we have decided not to experience passionate and romantic nights for the new year. In short, it is a real must, whether integral or represented by a single intimate component such as briefs or suspenders.

Wear red

What traditions must invariably be respected in order to avoid the evil eye for the new year

Another important custom, as indicated, concerns the fruit, including grapes and pomegranates. The first symbol of abundance. The importance of pomegranate, then, it dates back to Greek and Roman mythology, being the plant sacred to Juno and Venus. It was therefore a symbol of fertility and wealth, even in ancient times. Another important traditional food is the dried fruit. Give one basket, therefore, to family and friends it is indicative of a wish for prosperity, as well as an omen against bad luck. Also don’t forget the date is the most popular among sweet things on New Year’s Eve. Of it, tradition has it that the stone of the first date eaten is preserved. It will represent our lucky charm for the new year.

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