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What will happen to the weeks of IMSS contributions if the working day is reduced?

The initiative for reduce the working day in Mexico is pending in the Chamber of Deputiesbut many workers have been enthusiastic if it becomes a reality because they will be able to work 40 hours instead of 48 a weekHowever, there are doubts about what will happen to the weeks quoted before the IMSS.

As is known, the weeks quoted before the IMSS are a very important aspect for workers affiliated with the IMSS because with this they can access various benefits, such as the possibility of requesting a old age pension in case of accumulating the necessary quoted weeks.

As reported in The Truth Newsthe proposal to reduce the working day has already been approved in committees of the Chamber of Deputies, where it must be discussed in plenary to be approved as of September, with which Mexican workers would have two days off for every five days of work .

If the working day is reduced, what happens to the weeks contributed to the IMSS?

The reduction in working hours will not affect the weeks quoted

In this sense, it was specified that in the event that it is approved reduce the working day 48 to 40 hours a week, IMSS quoted weeks will not be affectedIn other words, workers affiliated with the IMSS will not see a reduction in the weeks that they contribute to this agency.

It should be noted that the proposal to reduce the working day is based on the idea that workers will be able to enjoy more rest time and time with their families, which will make them more productive on work days. This still has to be approved in the Chamber of Deputies and subsequently be sent to the Senate.

Some sectors have expressed against this proposal to reduce working hours, because, as they indicated, it could cause a serious economic impact on the companies. They indicated the same with the initiative of Worthy Holidayswhich was approved and grants 12 days of vacation by law to workers.

It may interest you: Which workers will benefit from a 40-hour work week?

How is the reform of 40 hours a week going?

The proposal proposes to reduce the working day from 48 to 40 hours per week

The proposal to reduce working hours to 40 hours a week is pending in the Chamber of Deputies, where the legislators assure that it will be discussed in plenary in September. This initiative will be sent to Senate if approved, for discussion and analysis in the Upper House.

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