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What will the salary increase for teachers in Mexico be like in 2023?

Well, happy teacher’s day and the style teacher: they are going to increase their salary for this 2023. What will this salary increase be like for teachers in Mexico?

The truth is that, for now, we are talking about a super general thing, but that is already a fact and that according to the AMLO government, Teachers and staff in the educational sector in Mexico must earn at least 16,000 pesos a month in salary.

Photo: UNAM.

(Although yes, the SEP has not yet shared the details of this mechanism).

What will the salary increase for teachers in Mexico be like in 2023?

In the morning of this May 15 —the very day of the teacher—, AMLO announced the salary increase for teachers and all the band that works in the educational sector.

It is about 8.2% on average, with the idea that the Education staff earn at least 16 thousand pesos per month -that according AMLO, is the average of the salaries of workers who are enrolled in Social Security.

Photo: Martín Zetina-Cuartoscuro.

And, from when or how will this salary increase apply to teachers in Mexico?

The idea is that it is a retroactive increase. In other words, this increase in teacher salaries will be from this January 2023 —and not from the moment AMLO made the announcement.

Good news for the teachers in their day. With a plan that was generally announced, that is, with coverage throughout Mexico and for all workers who work in the education sector.

Photo: Martín Zetina-Cuartoscuro.

According to AMLO, This measure implies an investment of 42 billion additional pesos to promote Mexa public education —in which 800,000 education workers have already been based.

And regarding this increase, it is worth remembering that in 2022 the AMLO government announced a 7.5% increase for teaching staff throughout Mexico in 2022.

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