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“What’s done is done”, the cold confession of a femicide after hacking his wife to death

A woman was hacked to death in Tucumán and her husband is arrested for the femicide

Police officers from the police station Aráoz Stationa town in the department of Leales located southeast of San Miguel de Tucuman and that does not reach two thousand inhabitants; They arrived at the house notified by a neighbor. On the ground, in front of the house, lay the body of Rosa Alejandra Celiz: He had stab wounds to his face, head and body. While the agents called for an ambulance, her husband left the property and coldly confessed to the crime: “What done is done”. He was arrested for the femicide.

It all began last Sunday around 7:30 p.m. at the home where the couple lived, when a neighbor observed that Celiz, 53, was lying unconscious at the door of her home and notified the Police.

When police personnel arrived at the scene, Raul Eduardo Albarracin, a 68-year-old community employee, admitted to having injured his wife with an ax. He offered no resistance and was apprehended. According to sources from the Public Ministry of the Tucumán province, it was in this context that when he turned himself in he declared: “What’s done is done.”

Due to the seriousness of the injuries received, the 53-year-old woman died at the scene. “The most serious injuries were to the skull and one of his shoulders. The body was transferred to the Judicial Morgue and an autopsy will be performed in the next few hours,” the spokespersons detailed. As indicated by the portal the tucumanoAlbarracín had a history of gender violence.

Meanwhile, judicial officials kidnapped a weapon inside the house that would be the one used by the femicide to fatally wound Celiz. “It had reddish-brown spots and even coincides with the diameter of the lesions suffered by the victim,” added the informants about the ax.

The Feria Fiscal Homicide Unit is involved in the case, in charge of Maria Alejandra Navarrowho ordered that the experts from the Scientific Tax Investigation Team (ECIF) carry out a comprehensive approach at the scene of the event.

This Sunday’s crime adds to the long list of femicides that shocked Argentina that occurred in the first days of 2023. Yesterday Juan Carlos Segovia, a 45-year-old man, was arrested, accused of having beaten his partner, Camila, to death Mendoza (25), in the La Plata town of Lisandro Olmos.

The corpse of the young woman was found bloodied, with a naked torso. The investigators believe that Camila was murdered in front of a friend of the femicide, who did nothing to prevent the crime and was also arrested shortly after the discovery of her body, and that Segovia would have killed out of jealousy.

Last week in the town of Moreno, Juan Darío Sanabria Báez, a 36-year-old bricklayer, denounced that his wife had been kidnapped and that they were asking him for a large sum of money to free her and that if he did not accept, they would sell him her organs. However, when answering the police officers’ questions, his story collapsed in seconds, he broke down and ended up confessing a macabre truth: he killed his partner, dismembered her and threw part of the members in a field a few kilometers from her house.

The victim was identified as Nilda Rosa Gonzalez Ojedaa 29-year-old girl, mother of five children, whose head and torso were found hours later in a field located on San Fernando avenue in the El Quijote neighborhood of the town of Francisco Álvarez, on the border between the Moreno districts. and Jose C. Paz.

According to police sources infobaeSanabria Báez broke after members of the DDI of Moreno-General Rodríguez They kidnapped his phone and observed that the couple had had an argument over infidelity. After the situation, the man’s story fell apart, he had no support and confessed that on Thursday night he had argued with her wife and then stabbed her to death, dismembered her and discarded her remains. According to the first data from the investigation, he threw his arms and legs into a cesspool in the house they shared, located at 200 Azteca Street.

Keep reading:

“Where is your male?”: he killed his wife out of jealousy in front of a friend of his and stripped the corpse
Femicide of Natalia Melmann: the victim’s parents asked that the murderers not be released and Justice must resolve
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