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When do you have to remove the strings?

When do you have to remove the strings?

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Wisdom teeth are a vestige of our evolutionsince in our hominid ancestors they had a key function for chewing vegetables due to their longer jaws. As the human diet changed and the jaws shortened, the wisdom teeth remained, says the surgeon Moreno.

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Dental pain can be paralyzing.

Although most people experience the birth of wisdom teeth without problems, in some cases they can arise complications such as pain, inflammation and risk of infections. This can occur when the teeth tip or do not find enough space to erupt properly.

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It is important to have good oral health care.

When the symptoms are recurrent and there is damage to other teeth, cysts, cavities or periodontal diseases, the solution is usually the extraction of the wisdom teeth. However, it is not always necessary to extract all four molars, since those that do not cause discomfort can be preserved.

The extraction surgery must be carried out after a thorough evaluation by specialized professionals to avoid complications. In certain cases, especially in children or adults, it may require sedation in addition to conventional anesthesia, as well as previous coagulation tests and general health.

After surgery, which is a outpatient procedure and short leaveit is recommended to follow certain guidelines for optimal recovery, such as applying ice to reduce pain, taking medications as directed, keeping your head elevated when lying down, and avoiding strenuous physical exercise, smoking, and foods with small residues.

Wisdom care is not much different from caring for any other tooth: regular brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist. During adolescence and before its eruption, a periodic control with the specialist is recommended.

It is important to consult a professional if you experience persistent pain, swelling, nausea, vomiting, excessive bleeding, cheek swelling, or changes in skin coloration.

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