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When does League of Legends Season 13 start?

Hail, summoners! If you started playing now, know that the league of legends it is divided into seasons: each year we have a new season. During this period, players battle in ranked queues with the aim of winning matches, gaining LP and moving up in elo. And the higher the level, the more experienced the players are, so you need to do your best to secure victory.

When does LoL Season 13 start?

Riot Games has not yet published the exact day of the start of the Season, but in previous years, the ranked season always started a day or two after the first patch of the year. Since we have the 13.1 update scheduled for January 10th, we can expect the season to start on January 13, 2023, a Friday!

During the year, the league of legends is constantly updated with hundreds of different patches with the aim of keeping the game fresh and balanced. It is also during the year that the championships and launches of new champions take place.

Choose your Pokemon! I mean, pick a jungle companion!

However, for the most radical changes, Riot usually releases in this period we are in now – “pre-season”. Here we can test the most abrupt changes in gameplay on a large scale, such as the introduction of new items and the mechanics of pets in the wildfor example.

Is it still broken? The Chemtech Dragon is back.

If you played around pre-season, you should already be aware of the changes Riot plans to introduce this year: pets for junglers, new items, recommended runes in champion select, anonymity in the lobby, new pings, the return of the Chemtech dragon and dozens of other changes await you this year in Summoner’s Rift and Howling Abyss.

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