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When is it celebrated and what does it consist of?

When is it celebrated and what does it consist of?

MIAMI.- The technology It consumes a large part of people’s time every day, in some cases causing social isolation. To try to remedy this situation in a hyperconnected world, the first Friday in March of each year is celebrated in the country National Day of Disconnection National Day of Unplugging.

This year National Disconnection Day will begin at sunset on Friday, March 1 and will continue until sunset on Saturday, March 2. It is a 24-hour period aimed at removing technology from everyday routines.

During this period, people are given the opportunity to disconnect from the digital world to strengthen interpersonal relationships, spending time with family, partners and friends, with recreational activities outdoors or at home, 100% away from technology.

Origin of Disconnection Day

National Unplugging Day was devised by the Jewish community Reboot, a non-profit organization, in 2003with the aim of getting people away from their electronic devices for 24 hours, a time they could spend relaxing alone or with friends and family.

With cases 8 out of 10 people using a smartphone Constantly, according to data from the Pew Research Center, the organization of Jewish origin believes that taking time away from technological devices would offer the opportunity to “reset” and “connect” with those things that “matter most.”

After the arrival of the first iPhone in 2007, which revolutionized the technology sector, the need arose to turn this day into a global one, so that people from the different continents and countries of the world will intentionally begin a retreat from the digital world.

This is how since 2009 the celebration has been celebrated in every corner of the planet. World Day of Disconnection Global Day of Unplugging the first Friday in March of each year, which gives those who join the initiative the opportunity to put aside the screens of their devices and start offline activities.

This period would also allow them to lower the levels of stress and anxiety that, according to various studies, causes the excessive use of electronic devices. So this 24-hour period away from technology would have a benefit for the mental health of the participantswho could feel greater satisfaction and happiness when carrying out various recreational activities.

What is National Disconnection Day?

Celebrating National Day of Disconnection is extremely simple, although it represents a somewhat complicated commitment in this hyperconnected world. All people need to do in this period is to interrupt their technological connection.

It would be 24 hours in which you would forget to use your smartphones, computers, tablets and even televisions to “mentally reset” by staying away from technology. For those who find it difficult to make the commitment for a whole day, you can substantially reduce the time you dedicate to the technological world and dedicate a few hours to other types of activities.

What can you do in these 24 hours?

  • Put the phone in a box for 24 hours: This will allow you to test yourself and see how much you can focus on other activities without being distracted by notifications.
  • Host a dance party: Dancing increases endorphins, improving your mood, and is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that will allow you to enjoy yourself away from technology.
  • Volunteering: Volunteering is not only good for the community, but also for personal well-being, as selfless acts of kindness have been linked to longer life and reduced stress in humans.

They can also take the opportunity to read a good book, visit parks, restaurants, museums and discover new destinations.

Source: With information from Twinkl / National Today / Global Day of Unplugging

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