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When it comes to garbage collectors, Scholz shows his greatest weakness

According to a report by “Spiegel”, Scholz defended the policies of FDP Transport Minister Volker Wissing and the government’s controversial heating project in a former foundry house at Sayner Hütte near Koblenz.

At the DGB event on May 1st, Scholz emphasized that emissions would be reduced in all areas, including transport. However, he admitted that the car still plays a big role. With regard to the heating project, the Chancellor assured that no one would be faced with an unsolvable task. He explained the exceptions and funding programs of the proposed law and emphasized that measures must also be taken in the building sector in order to achieve climate neutrality in Germany by 2045, as reported by Der Spiegel.

Woman asks Scholz about garbage collector

The “Spiegel” describes that Scholz tried to master a balancing act between the ambitious climate goals of his government and the preservation of Germany as an industrial country. It was sometimes better for him, sometimes worse, to explain this balancing act. In public forums like this one, Scholz shows his strength in the detailed presentation of his plans and his ability to almost always have numbers ready. However, he seemed weaker when he responded to emotional questions, such as a question from a citizen who saw an old woman looking for returnable bottles in the garbage.

The woman asked what Scholz was doing so that she never had to see anything like this again. Scholz noted improved pension entitlements for women. “We have to put everyone in such a way that they have what they need.” The questioner didn’t seem really satisfied.

Scholz wished for a “change of mind in Germany”

On that day, Scholz had already made two other appearances: a visit to a Red Cross rescue station and a speech at the DGB. According to “Spiegel”, around 2,000 people, mostly trade unionists, were present at this event. Some Scholz critics were also present and expressed their displeasure with whistles, boos and posters.

In his speech at the DGB, Scholz wished for a “change of mind in Germany” and called for respect for all work, not just for engineers or IT specialists, as Spiegel reports. He spoke about climate protection and reaffirmed his goal of building five to six new wind turbines a day. At the same time, however, he emphasized that it is important to keep life affordable.

The Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, warned not to lose the citizens in the climate change and described the impression that someone wanted to tear out functioning heating systems from next year as “total nonsense”.

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