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When relationships are based on dependency and not on love: “If you’re not here, I’ll die”

When relationships are based on dependency and not on love: "If you're not here, I'll die"
Attorney Daniela Furst with Milagros Hadad, analyzes toxic affective ties and how to identify them
The graduate Daniela Furst remarks that there is “a fundamental love that is self-love”
“A healthy relationship, it is not a perfect relationship, since that is non-existent. However, there are certain foundations that support it”, says Furst (Illustrative Image Infobae)
It is essential to recognize the characteristics of a healthy relationship in order to establish limits and avoid falling into destructive patterns (Illustrative image Infobae)
“A toxic relationship is not the same as a violent relationship. The toxic is linked to excess,” says the psychoanalyst (Illustrative image Infobae)
Toxic substances are those that harm us, poison us and can even kill us. A toxic couple somehow works in that sense but in relation to the links (Getty Images)
“In pathological jealousy, what is implicit is that the other belongs to me, that the other is an object that is mine, that it can neither do nor look at the other, nor can it decide,” exemplifies the expert (Getty Images)
“Behind eating disorders there is a deep sadness and often masked depression”
“You have to think of anxiety and anguish as a compass, when detecting them they will say many things about ourselves”
How to manage a panic attack and reduce anxiety
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