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When school sucks

DGUV magazines

Berlin (ots)

The past summers have always given us new heat records. and temperatures are also rising in many classrooms. What can schools do to prevent indoor temperatures from rising at the same rate as outdoor temperatures? How can they provide cooling? Information on how to deal with heat in school buildings is given by Dr. Simone Peters, Head of Technical Protective Measures, Indoor Climate, Indoor Workplaces at the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the DGUV (IFA) in the new issue of the magazine “pluspunkt”.

If the temperature in the classroom rises, the concentration of the students falls. “Heat stresses the body,” explains Peters. How can teachers mitigate the impact? Especially on an organizational and personal level, schools can act. For example, airing in the early hours of the morning is recommended. Children and teachers should also make sure they drink enough fluids. “If the sun is beating through the window and the kids haven’t had enough to drink, there’s a risk of overheating,” says Peters.

The topic of heat can also be integrated into the lesson. To support teachers, the DGUV offers low-threshold teaching materials with worksheets for teachers on topics such as “summer, sun, sun protection” for primary schools or “sun protection” and “working in the heat” for vocational schools.

background “plus point”

The full interview with Dr. Simone Peters and further information about summer, sun and temperatures can be found in the new issue of “pluspunkt – the magazine for safety and health in schools”. It appears four times a year and is distributed by the accident insurance companies responsible for the region.

Press contact:

Stephen Boltz
press secretary
German statutory accident insurance (DGUV)
Leading association of trade associations and accident insurers

Original content from: DGUV magazines, transmitted by news aktuell

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