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When the clothes did not fit Isabell, the obsession took over

In the course of just five days, Desta Marie Beeder (35) and the rest of the Cleaning Revolution embark on the theme and clean up the homes of various families.

The ambition is for them to be left with half of what they owned.

The family, consisting of Isabell Nordal (37), her boyfriend Marius Thrane (32) and the children, were the first to get help in the second season of the programme.

Among a hundred food boxes and dozens of kitchen appliances, there was one thing in particular that was difficult to get rid of. A tough past for the mother of the family was the background for this.

DIFFICULT: The cleaning process was not just for the family. Photo: Cato Ingebrigtsen

280 pairs of shoes

In the hall with all the things for the family, it was Isabell’s shoe collection that stood out. Everything from high, glittering heels to sporty sneakers were stacked in front of her.

The collection was to be reduced, but it was too much for the mother of the family.

Ahead of the recording, she had decided that Beeder could just forget to touch her favorite shoes. She had been saving up for them for many years.

– I will not take them away. I joked that I was going to move them to my best friend, so they could lie there and relax, she tells TV 2.

STRICT PROGRAM PRESIDENT: Desta Marie Beeder had to be strict several times in her role as presenter of the Cleaning Revolution. Photo: Cato Ingebrigtsen

It was thus not smooth sailing to reduce her precious treasures. At most, the collection has contained 280 pairs of shoes. When she became pregnant with her first child, she gave up a large share. Nevertheless, she had over 100 pairs during the recording.

In order to make room for the new family members, namely her boyfriend Marius and his two children, she had to let go.

A security

The shoe collection didn’t grow big out of nothing. Isabell has struggled with her weight over many years. When she felt that none of the clothes suited her, she found security in shoes.

– Shoes have been my obsession, as I haven’t felt that I can fit into any kind of clothing, she says and continues:

– When I went shopping for clothes with my friends, I never found my size. I was simply too fat. It affected me because I couldn’t buy the clothes I wanted, and be beautiful in the way I wanted. But size 37-38 in shoes always suited me.

CLOTHES AND SHOES: The hardest thing for Isabell to give up was clothes and shoes. Photo: Cato Ingebrigtsen

She therefore started going to shoe stores, and from there the ball started rolling.

– I always felt so nice with new shoes, she points out.

A tough process

Isabell eventually underwent slimming surgery. Suddenly she fit into all clothes.

– It has been a wish for so many years, and suddenly I could wear the styles that are trends, and clothes that I find interesting. Then I overflowed the cupboard, but did not take anything out.

In addition to the shoe collection, the wardrobe also grew. Suddenly it took over.

– It was a round to go through in itself and had to take away so many things, even though I knew I wasn’t going to use it here again. But now it was time to pass it on, she says.

Despite the fact that it was tough, she decided to go “all in”.

MAKE SPACE: In order for Marius and the children to move properly into Isabell’s home, space had to be freed up. Photo: Cato Ingebrigtsen


She decided that if the family was going to take part in the Cleaning Revolution, they should do it properly.

– We will have it new, easier and better now. Those shoes are painful and difficult to remove, but at the same time I can’t do this half-heartedly.

Despite a tough process of getting rid of piles of clothes and shoes, the cleaning process has done something to Isabell.

– I got another peace, when I removed several pairs that I had considered my favorite shoes. It was amazing to me that I actually managed to do it. It was quite liberating, she points out.

The family has gotten better

Today she feels that she is in a completely different place than she was before.

– I am not where I was mentally so many years ago. I am much happier with myself. I am able to accept more that I am who I am, and it doesn’t matter what kind of clothes or shoes you wear.

– I have decided that if I put something new in, I will take something else out.

EXPERT TEAM: The expert team consists of Desta Marie Beeder, Mads Clemmetsen and Caroline Leithe. Photo: Cato Ingebrigtsen

Now the family is in the process of maintaining the clearing and organization, so that they do not end up in the same pattern as they were in before. Nordal can say that they are doing well today, now that they have got rid of large parts of the things in the house.

See The cleaning revolution Mondays on TV 2 Direct and TV 2 Play.

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