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When will you know the results of the Edomex 2023 Elections?

Next June 4 will be organized the elections in Edomex 2023so here we want to tell you When and how will the results be given? of this electoral day in which the Mexican government will be disputed between Alejandra Del Moral and Delfina Gomez.

When will the results of the Edomex 2023 elections be released?

Since we want you to not make balls about what the final results are and when they will be given, we want to explain what is the quick count, the PREP, exit polls and district counts.

ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTO: ELIZABETH RUIZ/CUARTOSCURO.COM // When will you know the results of the Edomex 2023 elections?

What is quick count?

First of all, we have to explain what the quick count is, which will be given before the final results. yes, according to the National Electoral Institute (INE), it is a statistical procedure to estimate the trends of the final results of an election.

How is it done? They grab a random sample of all the boxes that are installed and apply a mathematical process that is developed with different estimation methodswhich is previously approved by the electoral authority.

ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTO: CAROLINA JIMÉNEZ/CUARTOSCURO.COM // When will you know the results of the Edomex 2023 elections?

Now with the results, which are obtained with the presence of the Staff of the INE Technical Advisory Committee, communicate to a room where they are received and recorded.

And to finish, the members of the Committee deliver a report to the president of the General Council of the INE and then the results are shared with the public.

In this case, quick count will be delivered just a few hours after the conclusion of the election day of June 4, 2023.

What is the PREP?

Now we have the Preliminary Election Results Program: That’s right; according to the same INE, the PREP is a system that gives the preliminary results of the elections by means of the capture and publication of the data that the polling officers recorded in the minutes and counting the polling stations they receive in the Data Collection and Transmission Centers.

yes this system will announce in real time and online preliminary election results the same night that election day will take place, Sunday, June 4, 2023.

ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTO: ANDREA MURCIA / CUARTOSCURO.COM // When will you know the results of the Edomex 2023 elections?

Of course, the INE explains that the PREP does not count the votesonly captures and publishes the information that is placed in the tally sheets and in the count of the people who participate as polling station officials.

In addition, they indicate that being preliminary results, They are informative, not definitive, and therefore do not have legal effects..

And to make it clearer, they emphasize that nor are they the product of a calculation of the results from statistical estimates or projections based on a sample (like quick count); that it is not a survey where people who leave the polls are interviewed about the vote they made; and much less district counts.

What are exit polls?

And as we told you up here, You have to know how to differentiate the quick count, the PREP, the district counts and the exit polls.

Speaking precisely of the latter, according to the National Electoral Instituteexit polls are the ones that polling houses carry out the mere day of voting at the foot of the polling booths.

ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTO: FRANCISCO VILLEDA/CUARTOSCURO.COM // When will you know the results of the Edomex 2023 elections?

Yes, the questions are asked of people right after they have cast their vote and their main purpose is to collect information about which candidate they are supporting.

Of course, the INE points out that these exercises are carried out by polling houses, not them.

In this case, the results are usually broadcast in the media or through the official pages of the polling houses. after the election day.

And what about district counts?

Now to finish, the Institute explains that district computations consist of add the results that were reflected in all the tallying and counting records of the different polling stations located in an electoral district (remember that at this time the counting of the votes has already been done in the polls).

It should be noted that this procedure is carried out with the presence of the different representatives of the political parties.

Photo: Margarito Pérez-Cuartoscuro.

In this case, the district counts will be held from June 7 to 10, 2023. And the state computation will be done from June 8 to August 16.

And the official results? Well, basically there is no exact date to declare a winnersince challenges can be made along the way and it depends on how long they take to resolve, but it could be said that the PREP is the most attached to the final results.

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