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Where are the radars for the routes to the Atlantic Coast?

The summer season kicked off with the end-of-year festivities and the people of La Plata choose the Atlantic Coast to vacation and spend Christmas and New Year. In that sense, it is important know the location of the radars on the routes that go to the different Buenos Aires spas.

For example, in route 2 there are 18 devices to measure speed and create traffic violations. There is also 9 placed on Provincial Route 11, 2 installed on Route 36, 5 on Route 63 and 6 placed on Route 74.

In this sense, road safety specialists advised drivers who travel the routes of the Atlantic Coast that, in addition to the review of technical issues of vehicles“know the path you are going to travel, seeing the maximum speeds allowed and the location of radars since they are placed in the most sensitive points and with the highest number of claims”.

On Highway 2, they are the following:

km 33.8

Km. 41.9 (upward direction)

Km. 45 (descending direction)

km 52

Km. 103.5 (descending direction)

Km. 113.5 (descending direction)

Km. 114 (upward direction)

Km. 116 (upward direction)

Km. 117.5 (descending direction)

Km. 152.7 (upward direction)

km 156.2

km 180

km 195.9

km 203

km 323.7

km 340.9

Km. 395.9 (descending direction)

Km. 396.1 (upward direction)

Already on Route 36 they will find radars in:

km 96.5

On Route 11, the following are installed:

km 142.7

km 294.4

Km. 290.2 (upward direction)

km 326.8

Km. 329.8 (descending direction)

Km. 410.5 ((ascending direction)

For its part, on Route 63 there are:

km 0.5

Km. 8.8 (upward direction)

Km. 13.13 (descending direction)

And finally, these are the ones on Route 73:

km 18.2

km 23

To check its location on the way to the seaside resorts on the Atlantic Coast, the Buenos Aires authorities released a map on the web with the maximum speeds allowed in each section.

With this background, it is also important to take into account What type of documentation will be requested at the time of travel. Along these lines, the authorities they detailed what it is Mandatory to drive with the driver’s ID, current driver’s license, vehicle ID (green or blue), proof of insurance with current policy and the Vehicle Technical Inspection (RTV), the Vehicle Technical Verification (VTV) or similardepending on the province where the vehicle is located.

It should be noted that the drivers of Buenos Aires routes can consult and print their traffic violations through the page From there they can also check the locations and hours of the provincial and municipal courts and download useful documentation.

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