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‘Where is he? to go’, Cancunians deny the state’s economic growth

After the covid-19 pandemic, Quintana Roo was one of the states most economically affected by the loss of the flow of tourism in the destination and which is the main source of income in the entity.

According to the results of the Quarterly Indicator of State Economic Activity (ITAAEE) published on April 26 by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), the Mexican Caribbean has shown a significant economic recovery, only below the Oaxaca state.

And it is that despite the fact that the news was celebrated even by the state governor, Mara Lezama, who promised to continue working “so that economic and tourist success translates into shared prosperity”, the citizens have not agreed on the reasons to celebrate.

Well, in the case of Cancun, one of the most important destinations in the state and where a greater economic flow is generated by the national and international tourism that visits it, those who inhabit it point out that this economic growth has been reflected in their pockets, but not in the way they expected.

Well, there are many Cancunans who refuse to accept that the state’s economy has grown, but rather that it has been affected by various factors such as inflation.

One of them has been 42-year-old Silvia Baas, who points out that rather than increasing, the economy of the state and its inhabitants has been affected mainly by the high costs of acquiring basic basket products.

“Of course not, on the contrary, we are in decline. The prices of the basic food basket have risen, but considerably, and what one perceives is not consistent with what one can buy or consume. They almost charge us for the air we breathe”

On the other hand, Luceli Canto, 33, assumes that the way in which these figures presented by the Inegi can be reflected, would be through the salary of the workers. However, it is something that he is still waiting for to happen.

“In my case I have not had an increase in my salary and I feel that that increase they say would be reflected there. Maybe if you see the increase with people with money but we continue to see how to stretch the fortnight ”.

Has this growth been reflected in your pockets?

“I think that there is a better economy, but the truth in the pockets is not noticeable. I think that the employers are paying very little, they are not paying the workers fairly and for this reason the economy that they say has already risen is not reflected.

Vidalia Esther Chuc, 54 years old

“Of course not, on the contrary, we are in decline. The prices of the basic food basket have risen, but considerably, and what one perceives is not consistent with what one can buy or consume. They almost charge us for the air we breathe”

Silvia Baas, 42 years old

“I don’t think it’s like that, sometimes it’s news that they want to excite us with but it’s not like that, if it were growing the city wouldn’t continue like this or there wouldn’t be so many people working on the streets to be able to eat something.”

Beatriz Elizabeth, 20 years old

“First of all, both basic household products and city council payments, everything is high, prices are exaggerated and what we receive, an amount cannot reach us, that we take out to say that if we are well in our economy” .

Lurdes Canul, 36 years old

“In my case I have not had an increase in my salary and I feel that that increase they say would be reflected there. Maybe if you see the increase with people with money but we continue to see how to stretch the fortnight ”.

Luceli Canto, 33 years old

“With work and it’s enough, with work and we get something to see how to pay for the rest. Now one keeps just what he earns so that they say that we are fine ”.

Genny Beatriz, 60 years old

“Nothing to mine, rather they are those who live in the cities who have more job opportunities, but nothing in the towns, so they cannot say that there is a good economy when there are towns that have needs.”

Silvia Dzul Campos, 69 years old

“No, not really, I think we have spent more than normal, tell me where to go to look for work because the truth is hardly and one lives with the salary they give us, but the truth is nothing to do, everything is very expensive, we can’t even eat the egg that was cheaper”.

Viridiana Corrales, 39 years old

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