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Where to put the children’s money received as a gift from grandparents and relatives? Bank and post office solutions

Where to put the money of the

Instead of spending the money received as gifts from the little ones at holidays, better manage it for his dreams when he grows up. Driving license and/or car, university, renting a house to go and live alone, etc. Let’s see how best to preserve these gifts, perhaps making them grow over time.

On commanded occasionsfrom Christmas to Easter, from baptism to birthday to diploma etc, it is not uncommon that the little ones receive cash. Grandparents, uncles, relatives and family friends pay homage to the birthday boy by giving away a banknote that can satisfy his little wishes.

Sometimes the banknotes collected are not few, either due to the generosity of the adults or because they are extended families perhaps with one or a few minors. Finally, if we consider the case in which the little ones lack for nothing, it is better not to waste that nest egg on useless expenses.

In these and similar cases, where to put the children’s money received as a gift from grandparents and relatives? Let’s look at some of the potential final solutions.

The postal book dedicated to minors

One could consider the postal savings book dedicated to children. The issuer is CDP, therefore the instrument is guaranteed by the state, while Poste is the intermediary. A parent or guardian of the child can open it and manage it and help the children grow up and take responsibility for managing savings.

CDP offers it in 3 solutions (and operating conditions) different depending on the age of the person concerned. We have the booklet “I grow up” for the children between 0 and 12 years“I know” for those between 12 and 14 and “I understand” for boys between 14 and 18 years old. The transition from one bracket to another is automatic on the minor’s 12th and 14th birthday.

A savings formula for every

The solutions that turbocharge the capital raised

If, on the other hand, the intent is to boost the nest egg collected during the holidays, here is the voucher dedicated to minors in the name of the minor. The gross annual yield reaches up to 4.50%. Parents, grandparents, uncles or relatives or someone (as long as they are of age) who loves them very much can sign it.

Another option it could be the activation (always in Poste) of a savings plan ‘small and good’ to subscribe to vouchers dedicated to children. In this case, the parents could feed the plan, in whole or in part depending on the case, with the cash received as a gift from the child over time. Subscription starts at 50 euros (even per year) and the amounts that can be subscribed can be changed, or the Plan suspended, at any time.

Where to put the children’s money received as a gift from grandparents and relatives? What does the bank offer?

Finally let’s see three potential solutions for those who prefer to go to the bank.

The first is the bank savings accountwith different types and conditions from bank to bank but which, overall, resemble those of postal savings books.

Bank savings

A good solution to earn on deposited sums is the deposit account (CD). THE higher yields are for lines that are restricted and with longer expirationslike what happens in CDs for adults.

In the end you can think of a capital accumulation plan (cap) for children and make the most of the time. On the one hand, the average purchase price is optimized and on the other, the potential of the markets is exploited over the long term.

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