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“Which do you like better, the one from before or the one from now?”


Eduardo Antonio has surprised and in what way his followers on social networks with a sample of his radical physical change.

The Divo of Cuba shared a collage on Instagram in which he compares the before and after of his face and there is no doubt about one thing: the transformation has been enormous.

“Which do you like better, the one from before or the one from now?”he asked his followers on Instagram and of course they did not take long to respond.

Opinions among his followers were divided; Some prefer its current version, others the one that does not have touch-ups or cosmetic surgeries, and there are also those who affirm that what is important is the person, not his physical appearance.

“As you feel better”; “Now it is more fashionable but the important thing is that your heart is the same”; “Wow, they seem like two different people”; “You were and still are handsome”; “The heart is the same”; “I love the usual one”; “The one before”; “Our Michael Jackson from Cuba so that the Yumas do not believe things”; “I like your essence, your soul and your desire to live, that’s what really counts,” were just some of the comments left for the artist in his publication.

Opinions for or against his radical change, the truth is that El Divo has managed to conquer the hearts of many with his music and his charisma.

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