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Which is better pulsed light or laser to remove hair? Discover the differences and costs to choose

Which is better pulsed light or laser to remove hair? – stockmarket projections. it

There are many methods to remove unwanted hair. In recent years, in particular, lasers and pulsed light have become widespread. However, not everyone knows that there are some differences between the two methods. Find out everything you need to know to choose the best treatment.

Remove hair it’s always a problem. Partly for the pain and partly because you have to do it frequently. There are different methods of hair removal and epilation, but there is one fundamental difference between both. Hair removal only eliminates the visible furwhile epilation also removes the bulb from below the surface.

Getting rid of hair is always a problem. Partly for the pain and partly because you have to do it frequently. – projections of stock exchange. it

Among the most frequent methods of epilation we find waxing, but in recent years also thepulsed light and lasers they are the most popular. Many confuse these two methods, not knowing the difference. Here is all the information you need to make the best choice.

Which is better pulsed light or laser to remove hair? Let’s find out the treatments

First we specify what epilation is permanent, but not definitive. The hair does not disappear completely with either laser or pulsed light. This is because the growth of the hair also depends on many different factors from person to person. However, both methods they slow down growth of the hair with really excellent results and also decreasing the amount.

Among the most frequent methods of hair removal we find waxing, but in recent years pulsed light and lasers are also the most popular

There pulsed lightalso called IPL, is a treatment that can be homemade. Online and in appliance stores, in fact, it is possible to find various products with this use. The laser, instead, it is generally done in beauty centers or centers of aesthetic medicine. The tools of professionals, however, are a lot more powerfull than the DIY ones.

These are the main differences between the methods of hair removal

Which is better pulsed light or laser to remove hair? There difference between the two systems is the type of light energy used to burn the bulb. Pulsed light uses different types of wavelengthwhile the laser uses some only one which is absorbed by the melanin of the bulb.

So the first is less precise in hitting the hair, while the latter perfectly burns the hair bulb. For this reason the laser is generally more effective and safer. Let us always remember do not none of these treatments in summer. Indeed, after epilation the skin is extremely sensitive to rays ultraviolet and may be damaged. Also, applying moisturizer consistently after treatments will help us avoid possible dryness.

Another important factor is cost

For epilation with pulsed light it takes approx 20 sessionswhile with the laser 10 is enough to get the same effect. Both can give a discomfort or burning sensationbased on your personal pain threshold. Laser hair removal sessions, however, could cost from 80 to 100 euros per session for large areas e from 30 to 50 euros for smaller areas, such as the underarms.

If we want to do the pulsed light at homeInstead, we’ll just have to buy one epilation tool. These can cost from 80 to 300 euros, according to accessories and brand. After purchasing it, however, we will be able to use it for several yearsuntil they are the impulses have ended.

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