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White House warns that US aid to Ukraine is about to run out

White House warns that US aid to Ukraine is about to run out

WASHINGTON — The White House warned this Monday that the United States only has funds for an additional aid package to Ukraine this year due to a blockade in the US Congress.

“We only have one aid package left” before funds for Ukraine “run out,” said spokesman John Kirby, who did not want to specify the amount.

The US Congress has approved the disbursement of more than $110 billion since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, but Republicans are currently blocking a major aid package, calling for a strategy that defines the victory of a nearly two years, audits of the funds and first the security of the United States borders in the face of the migratory avalanche since President Joe Biden arrived at the White House in January 2021.

For the approval of the aid, they demand important changes in US immigration policy, including its tightening on the border with Mexico. More than eight million encounters are reported by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) since Biden has been in office. Republicans accuse him of promoting an open border policy that has created chaos at the border and affects major cities in the United States.

A few days before the parliamentary recess for the Christmas celebrations, congressmen approved a defense budget for 2024, which mobilizes 300 million dollars for kyiv, a minimum amount compared to the 61,000 million requested by the White House.

“Once sent we will no longer have authorization (…) and we will need Congress to act without delay,” said Kirby, who assures that the delivery of aid to Ukraine “benefits the national interests of the United States” and is essential for ” can continue his fight for freedom.

President Joe Biden is willing to “reach a compromise,” Kirby said.

Source: With information from AFP and Editorial

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