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WHO Director-General congratulates Lula and new Minister of Health

In the first press conference of the year, held this Wednesday (1/4), the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, congratulated President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) on taking office for the third term as Chief Executive of Brazil.

The WHO leader signaled that he was optimistic with the new government, which was committed to the health agenda.

“We know that President Lula is very committed to issues related to health and we hope to work in collaboration with him,” he said. “The inauguration of the president deserves our congratulations. I want to wish you our best wishes,” he continued.

Ghebreyesus also congratulated the appointment of Nísia Trindade as Minister of Health in the new government. The scientist and researcher held the position of president of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) between 2017 and 2022 and became the first woman to head the Ministry of Health.

“The nomination for the Ministry of Health is excellent. We know Nísia very well, she has extensive experience and I am sure she will contribute significantly”, she said.

Evolution of the pandemic

The WHO director-general said he was concerned about the current epidemiological picture of Covid-19 due to the intense transmission of the coronavirus in various parts of the world, especially in China and the United States. “The threat of Covid-19 persists,” he said.

When evaluating the last years of coping with the Covid-19 pandemic, the current scenario and the perspectives for the year that begins, he considered that the disease will still be an important topic of discussion in 2023, but the pandemic may walk to an end. In the next months.

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“I believe and hope that, with the right efforts, this will be the year that the public health emergency officially ends,” he said.

“We are in the fourth year of the pandemic and the world is in a much better place than it was several years ago due to the management of clinical care, vaccines and treatments. For most of last year, Covid-19 was on the decline.”

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