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Who is the woman who studied at UNLP and died in the plane that crashed in Nepal?

The repercussions continue for the air tragedy that occurred in Nepal, where a plane with 68 passengers and 4 crew members crashed while trying to land. The authorities confirmed that among the fatalities is an Argentine identified as Jannet Sandra Palavecino, a native of Neuquén and who studied at the National University of La Plata.

The woman is one of the 15 foreigners who traveled on the aircraft and on her social networks details that he studied at the UNLP during 1981 and 1986. In turn, it marks the city of the diagonals as a place of residence.

What has transpired so far and is published on the victim’s own Facebook page is that He worked in tourism and together with his family they founded the Hotel Suizo, located in the Neuquén capital.

It is worth clarifying that The ATR 72 twin-engine aircraft operated by the Nepalese company Yeti Airlines crashed while trying to land in the city of Pokharaairport that serves as a connection for travelers heading to the town of Jomsomlocated in full Himalayas.

At the moment, 68 bodies were found, which were transferred to local hospitals. While, Krishna Prasad BhandariThe army spokesman reported: “Search and rescue is ongoing. No survivors have yet been found.”

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