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Who must process the new Argentine DNI?

The National Registry of Persons (ReNaPer), under the Ministry of the Interior, officially adopted the new format of the National Identity Document (DNI). Only some Argentine citizens can process it.

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As established by Provision 214/23 and according to article 17 subparagraph f) of Law No. 17,671, this new DNI will be for those ex-combatants of the Falkland Islands warwhich must process the new National Identity Document.

New design

The design highlights and makes visible the status of hero or heroine that belongs to the ex-combatants of Malvinas, according to National Law No. 23,118, which orders to decorate all those who fought in the war for the territorial claim of the Malvinas, Georgias and Sandwich Islands. del Sur, in the warfare from April 2 to June 14, 1982.

The body dependent on the Ministry of the Interior will advance with the printed legend in recognition, upon request initiated by mandatory accreditation.

to whom it corresponds

“Determine that the National Identity Documents for ex-combatants of the Malvinas Islands war, issued prior to the issuance of this measure, will remain fully valid until their expiration date or until a new copy is issued,” says the Article 2 of the official regulations.

“Those people who accredit the quality of ex-combatant of the war of the Malvinas Islands, will carry in the DNI the following emblem: ‘EX-COMBATIENT, HEROINE OF THE WAR OF THE MALVINAS ISLANDS’, ‘EX-COMBATANT, HERO OF THE WAR OF THE MALVINAS ISLANDS'”, the provision specifies.

How to process it

Those people who want to manage the new DNI can do so in two ways:

ID 24 hours

The process can be done from Monday to Friday in one of the five centers that ReNaPer owns. First of all, it is necessary to make an appointment at one of these centers through the Mi Argentina app. Afterwards, the interested person must appear at the chosen office, along with the record of shift and the previous DNI. The new document may be withdrawn within 24 business hours at the same office.

Express ID

You must take a turn in the Mi Argentina app and choose the closest office to your home. Then, they must pay for the procedure at the Renaper Documentation Center and go on the day of the shift. From 48 or 96 business hours after the procedure, the mail will deliver the DNI at the consigned address.

Both modalities have a cost of $1,500.

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