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Who pays for the Miami Beach police Rolls-Royce?

Who pays for the Miami Beach police Rolls-Royce?

MIAMI.- The recent presentation by the Miami Beach Police Department of a luxurious Rolls-Royce brand patrol car, whose value can exceed $400,000, as part of a strategy to recruit new officers, drew attention.

“The Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) and its professional staff exemplify the highest standards of dedication and quality policing in our commitment to the residents and visitors we serve. “We are delighted to introduce this impressive addition to the MBPD recruiting team,” the Department announced in a communication on the X platform.

According to MBPD Chief Wayne Jone, “this vehicle represents a new commitment to innovation and our dedication to recruiting the best and brightest people to serve our community.”

He later clarified that the vehicle is not property of the Police Department, nor was it paid for with money from Spa City taxpayers.

“This vehicle is property of Braman Motors. It was not purchased or donated. Only MBPD was granted permission to use it with the classic Miami Beach patrol colors,” said Department spokesman Christopher Bess.

Apparently it’s a global trend. In places like Dubai, Italy or Türkiye, luxury cars are used as police vehicles.

In the city of Dubai the police department uses cars like Rolls-Royce and McLaren or Lotus and the Italian police patrol its roads with Lamborghinis.

At the end of 2023, the police in Istanbul, Turkey, presented a large fleet made up of 23 luxury police cars seized from drug traffickers. The Turkish police reported that they will use these vehicles for public relations activities.

The price of a 2024 Rolls-Royce Ghost, like the one presented last week by the Miami-Beach police, exceeds $400,000. Fortunately, the taxpayer will not pay for it.

(email protected)


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