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WHO: why decision is not the end of the pandemic | metropolises

This Friday (5/5), the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declared that Covid-19 is no longer a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PII).

The status of “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” is the highest level of alert from WHO and is reserved for public health situations that require a coordinated international response, including sanitary and epidemiological surveillance among countries, efforts directed at inventing treatments and vaccines, and collaborating in providing medical supplies.

During this Friday’s speech, Tedros made it clear that Covid is still a threat to global health. “Covid-19 is still a threat to global health. Last week, Covid claimed one life every three minutes – and those are just the deaths we know of,” said the WHO director-general.

On March 11, 2020, Covid-19 was characterized by the WHO as a pandemic – the term refers to the geographic distribution of a disease rather than its severity. “It is true that the virus continues to circulate in all countries and that the pandemic is not over. It is true that there are many uncertainties, especially regarding the evolution of the virus. It is also true that there are major gaps in surveillance reporting and health care, particularly in the most vulnerable countries,” said Tedros.

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