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Wholesale prices rose 94.8% in 2022

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 | 7:36 p.m.

The Wholesale Price index rose 6.1% in December and accumulated a rise of 94.8% during the past year, while the Cost of Construction advanced 5.6% in the last month of the year and rose 97, 6% during 2022, reported the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec).

Meanwhile, the Cost of Construction advanced 5.8% in the last month of the year and rose 97.6% during 2022.

In this way, INDEC completed the dissemination of the variation in price indices that began last week when it reported that retailers rose 5.1% in December and 94.8% throughout the year.

In the wholesale segment, during December, Primary products rose 6%; Manufactured 5.4%; those imported 8%, all of these increases that were compensated in statistical terms by a 1% drop in the value of electrical energy consumed by companies.

Among Primary Products, the 10.1% rise in Agricultural Products, 7.7% in Crude Oil and Gas, 6.8% in Non-metallic Minerals, and a 2.1% drop in Fisheries stood out.

Among Manufactured Products, the 5.9% increase in Food and Beverages stood out; 4% for Textiles; 6.1% both in Chemical products, such as Rubber and Plastic; 6.4% in Machines and Equipment; 7% for Vehicles.

In the year, with an average increase of 94.8%, an increase of 88.7% was highlighted in the Primary; 96.1% in Manufactured Products; 98.6% in Imports, and 95.6% in Electric Power.

Non-metallic mineral products, linked to construction, rose 113%, Crude Oil and gas 87.3%, Agricultural 89.3% and fishing 75.2%.

In the manufactured segment, Food and Beverages rose 91.5%; Textiles 93.5%; Garments of textile materials 119.5%; Refined petroleum 103.7%; Chemicals 95.3%; Vehicles 94.8%, among others.

The energy consumed by companies increased 95.6% and imported products 98.6%.

As regards Construction, the 5.6% rise in December was driven by a 6.2% rise in General Expenses, 6.1% in Manpower, and 4.9% in Materials.

During the last month of last year, the Labor chapter registered a monthly increase of 6.1% as a result of a 6.4% rise in Salaried labor and 4.2% in Subcontracts.

Regarding General Expenses, the rental price of scaffolding increased 1% in December but 106.3% throughout the year; a tipper 3.9% and 111.5% respectively; for loader 14% in the month and 163% in 2022; and a backhoe 21.3% and 186.6%.

Source: Telam

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