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"Why am I going to leave it?"

"Why am I going to leave it?"

C.Every time he steps on the podium, Fernando Alonso seems to recharge the deposit. The euphoria after achieving six trophies in the first eight appointments was noticed again in Canada, where the Spaniard left another clue about his future and his expiration date not yet written.

“Everything is fine. To be honest, I can’t remember another time in my career when I’ve had so much faith in a team or a project like now”, he pointed out after the Montreañ test on Sky Sports F1.

“As this is a medium and long-term project, I don’t know if I’ll be here when the team is ready to win (the World Cup)… But I always have in mind to be here, because as long as I feel fast and still have fun, it will continue. Why should I stop? Right now I’m having fun”, confesses Fernando sincerely, hinting again that he wants to renew with Aston Martin after 2024, when his contract theoretically expires. Far from seeing 2024 as a near goal, Fernando thinks of the future as a incentive.

“I think there is still a lot to do. QI want to win a race this year… The car is going in the right direction, so I think more opportunities will come”, says an excited Fernando.

Alonso turns 42 this July 29, but far from being a drag he is thinking of prolonging his career in F1 as much as possible, without a specific date. He could well be 45 years old in the highest category of motorsport.

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