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Why are Cuban mercenaries fighting in Ukraine for Putin?

Why are Cuban mercenaries fighting in Ukraine for Putin?

The military commanders of Ukraine Last week, the US and European Union reported that several Cuban mercenaries were eliminated by their troops in defense of the national territory. This is not the first time that Kyiv has put the issue of the Caribbean island’s military on the table, although Spain and the European Union, so concerned about the Russian imperialist war, completely ignore Havana’s participation in the current events.

The last announcement of Cuban casualties at the front was made by the commander Kyrylo Veresone of the most popular and decorated Ukrainian military personnel. According to these sources, the battle took place on June 20 near the town of Sivers, north of Donetsk, one of the main battle points.

It is estimated that dozens of Cubans may have died since the war began. The bodies from the last battle were captured along with their identity documents. A key aspect is that the Cubans were part of the Russian special forces known as Storm Groups.

This means that Cubans are specialists, members of the regime’s elite troops CastroiteOtherwise, they could not have been inserted into the Russian special units deployed in the occupied territory of Ukraine.

Ukrainian intelligence estimates that up to 40% of Cuban troops in Ukraine serving Russia are elite members of the Cuban Interior Ministry. They are not only participating in this war, but They are even deployed in Belarus to hone their military capabilities..

I deeply regret that young Cubans are dying fighting so far from their country, in a war that is alien to democratic ideals and values, and, furthermore, to the interests of Cuba as a nation. Sending Cuban troops to this imperialist conflict is a sad situation that only serves the family. Castro in his attempt to remain in power forever.

A year ago, cases began to be published about the recruitment of hundreds of young Cubans as mercenaries. Two of them then reported being deceived through job offers..

Finally, they were forced to fight under Moscow’s orders. The Cuban dead have names and surnames, although only a few cold numbers are known. This is the case of Camilo Ochoa34 years old, who joined the Russian army to leave Cuba, but was killed by a bomb, along with nine other Cubans. The Russians promised him 11,000 euros. The price was too high for his life.

A few weeks ago, during the Europe Liberty Forum, held in Madrid, the Ukrainian parliamentarian Mary Zablotsky He denounced the “full participation” of the Cuban regime in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, through the sending of mercenary troops, diplomatic campaigns and clandestine information.

Andriy Yermakhead of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, also recently warned that “the hundreds of Cuban soldiers sent to Ukraine, including confirmed reports from military officers and many with military backgrounds, are a direct product of the close collaboration that the Cuban government has provided to the shameful Russian invasion of Ukraine.” Sweden, the European Parliament, Lithuania and the Council of Europe have already expressed their concerns.

However, when will the EU listen? The Agreement on Political Dialogue and Cooperation between Brussels and Havana remains intact, and one continues to look the other way in the face of the clear Evidence of Cuban military aid to Moscow and the serious humanitarian crisis that the island is experiencing.

No one says anything, while horror prevails.


Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat is the Secretary General of the Cuban Resistance Assembly.

Originally published at

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