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Why dates are good for you and how many you can eat a day

Why dates are good for you –

At the supermarket you should definitely buy and try this fruit with magical health properties.. Find out what it is..

In our diet we are lucky enough to be able to introduce a lot of super good foods that are recommended by many nutritionists. Precisely for this reason it is important to inquire and know what we are putting on the table. Especially with regards to fruit and vegetables. These are two foods that should be eaten every day, thanks to the properties that characterize them. Today we focus in particular on a fruit that you all surely know: dates.

Nutritional properties of dates

Dates have a lot of properties that we will soon see, but before that let’s see what they are good for. 100 grams of dates provide about 250 kcal and the following nutritional values:

  • 17 g of water;
  • 2 g of protein;
  • 0.6 g of fat;
  • 63 g of sugars;
  • 8 g of dietary fiber.

The peculiarity of this food lies in the fact that it has, in its nutritional values, a large quantity of vitamins. In fact we have niacin, vitamin A, thiamine and riboflavin. Naturally, mineral salts such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium cannot be missing.

Why dates are good for you and how many can you eat to increase digestion

We have therefore understood dates from a chemical point of view, now we must focus more on what its benefits are. We often hear about this fruit but we never wondered why. We said earlier that it is rich in minerals and vitamins. This is a huge plus for the body. Among the different vitamins there are some of the B group. The latter are important for the metabolism. We have also said that as a mineral it contains potassium. Potassium is very important as an antioxidant, it would therefore protect the body from the attack of free radicals.

The beneficial properties of this fruit

We can say that dates also have a whole other series of beneficial properties: first of all they are energizing. This is explained by its high sugar content. Again for the same reason, diabetics will have to pay attention to the quantities. Thanks always to potassium they would be good for the heart. So they go to protect the cardiovascular system. Its use also appears to be related to a reduction in inflammation. Consequently it is hypothesized that dates are an excellent anti-inflammatory food. This is a very good thing, as many diseases are caused by inflammatory processes. In this way we could prevent them by eating dates. Last but not least they would go to:

  • protect the digestive system;
  • protect the body from any cancer cells;
  • reduce constipation due to the presence of fibers.

This explains why dates are good for our body.

If we eat dates twice a day there is a high chance of increasing digestion. This could especially be of interest to those who are not used to digesting well and everything remains on the stomach. As we can see there can be many natural remedies to adopt instead of starting right away with drugs.

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