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Why did they release the patovicas who beat a father and his son in front of a Necochea bowling alley?

Why did they release the patovicas who beat a father and his son in front of a Necochea bowling alley?
César Jorge Martínez (47), Alan Nahuel Pirrota (30) and Gonzalo José Roldán (33) were arrested on July 24
Fierce beating at the door of a nightclub in Necochea
This is how one of the victims was left after the beating that the patovicas gave him at the door of the Tom Jones bowling alley in Necochea (Photo/Necochea Digital)
In response to the judicial decision, relatives and close friends of those attacked demonstrated in front of the bowling alley this Sunday (Photo/Necochea Digital)
The man beaten by patovicas in Necochea spoke: “The one who wants to finish me off went to kill me”
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