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Why do online banks offer money?

Choosing an online bank also involves choosing the welcome bonus: indeed, the vast majority of dematerialized banks offer a sum of money to their new customers. Why this generosity, and how is it possible? Here is the answer to these questions.

Paying less bank charges is one of the reasons that push the French towards online banks. But it is not the only one: many are those who are seduced by the prospect of being offered money when opening their online account. The sum can be pretty and sometimes exceed 100 euros. It even seems too good to be true: so what can the generosity of online banks hide? Why do these new kind of banks offer money to their new customers? Rest assured: this hides nothing but a recruitment attempt that tends to bear fruit very easily.

Which online banks offer a welcome offer?

French online banks almost all offer a welcome offer which includes a sum of money offered to you. Here are the main offers on the market.

  • Monabanq: 80 euros offered when opening the account and an additional 40 euros with a Visa Premier or Platinum card.
  • Fortune: 80 euros offered for opening an account, provided you make at least five payments with the subscribed card within 90 days.
  • Boursorama Bank: up to 170 euros offered for the very first opening of an account with a bank card followed by EasyMove banking mobility.
  • Hello Bank : 80 euros offered for any account opening, and six months of free card as part of the subscription to one of the Hello Prime offers.
  • BforBank: 80 euros offered for opening an account on the condition of activating the bank card in the month following the opening in question.

It is easy to see that the welcome offer is, on average, 80 euros. However, there are special promotional operations that can sometimes reach 200 euros, but they are generally available for a few days only. If you’re thinking of opening an online account in the next few weeks, keep an eye out!

Online banking: why do they offer money?

The generosity of online banks is self-serving: their goal is to always recruit more customers, with a view to making more money. It’s simple and it’s necessarily what all banks are looking for: from the moment an online bank offers a welcome bonus to its new customers, it places itself in an advantageous position compared to the competition. It is not surprising that other banks decide to offer the same thing.

Online banking © Unsplash

From there, the whole question is which online bank offers the best offer. Because if the sum offered may be the same everywhere, the conditions for obtaining it may be different. Do not hesitate to find out about this before subscribing, so as to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It often happens that the deposit of the sum offered on your account involves the use of the credit card, or a first payment. This is also how online banks make money.

The sponsorship offer, an additional advantage offered by online banks

Once you have opened an online account, you can continue to enjoy free money. How ? By recruiting new customers for the bank yourself! This is the whole concept of sponsorship. Generally, when you sponsor a relative, this one receives a cash bonus, and you too at the same time. It is often between 30 and 50 euros, and it can be accompanied by free bank charges.

The vast majority of online banks offer a referral system. You can find the details in your account space. If you know people around you who are tempted to open an account with an online bank, and you are satisfied with yours, you can recommend them and take advantage of the referral bonus together. . Be careful, here too, certain conditions may come into play to benefit from it: they are always explained on the bank’s website.

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