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Why do people eat a lot of fat at Mardi Gras?

Why do people eat a lot of fat at Mardi Gras?

MIAMI.- Today Mardi Gras is celebrated, a tradition that began in Louisiana Therefore, its name in French is associated with a day to consume very greasy dishes because for the next day, the beginning of the Lenten fast, we had to be prepared with a lot of energy and be able to comply with that religious mandate.

Of course the tradition of the type of food for these holidays was maintained. But for a long time Catholics have observed fasting in another way, eliminating the things they like the most, such as giving up the cell phone for a few hours, or sugar or cigarettes, or not referring to anyone in particular to speak badly. The time of abstinence is defined by the person during the period of Lent.

But in the Mardi Gras celebration the tradition of greasy food was maintained and it is a time when people give free rein to eat large portions of protein.

It is also known as “Fat Tuesday” and has its origins in medieval Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, according to the website. Mardi Gras New Orleans. It is the carnival that takes place before Ash Wednesday. And in French, “fat Tuesday” or “fatty Tuesday” reflects the last night’s practice of consuming high-fat foods to prepare for Lent.

Mardi Gras is about music, parades, picnics, floats and excitement. It’s a big party in New Orleans! Fans must wear costumes or at least dress in purple, green and gold, the traditional colors.

It is said that these colors were chosen, that a meaning was assigned to them, in 1892 when the parade prevailed in the floats of the time: purple = justice, green = faith and gold = power.

Traditional parade

Paradegoers sit on the ground, throw balls, play music, eat great food, and watch the crowd go by. On Mardi Gras Day, most non-essential businesses close for the celebration.

However, in its early years, these celebrations were not carried out with the traditional parades that are known today. In the 1740s the governor of Louisiana, the Marquis de Vaudreuil, established high society balls that became the model for Mardi Gras balls held today in the city of New Orleans.

The first reference appears in a report addressed to the Spanish colonial governing body in 1781. It was not until 1830 when New Orleans organized parades and street processions of people wearing masks on carriages and horsemen participated to celebrate this festival. .

Long-standing festivities

The tradition began when Louisiana was colonized by the French. The first celebration of which there is documentary evidence was in 1699. Even so, it is not known exactly when such festivities really began.

However, by 1743 it already seemed to be a well-established tradition. The authorities even banned the celebration on some occasions, but every time it was banned it returned due to popular fervor.

Mardi Gras is the name of the carnival celebrated in New Orleans (Louisiana), Mobile (Alabama), Mississippi, Quebec, etc. It is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday. In conclusion, the so-called “Fat Tuesday” refers to the fact that it was the last day to enjoy both culinary and carnal pleasures before the period of abstinence that marks the beginning of Lent and Holy Week.

It is a celebration mainly celebrated in the United States and Canada. Known primarily for the large carnival held in New Orleans, Louisiana.

In New Orleans, home to the largest Mardi Gras celebration, the carnival also includes parties and various activities that take place in various streets. These festivals are characterized by their parades and the large amount of food offered.

Source: Mardi Gras New Orleans / Diario las Américas Editorial Team

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