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Why do so few people profit from creating content?

A survey carried out by Adobe shows that there are about 300 million content creators in the world.

In Brazil alone, this number is approximately 20 million. The big problem is that almost 70% of these professionals cannot make a living from their work on the internet and need to supplement their income with other activities.

It is on this subject that I am talking today with Christophe Trevisani, specialist in digital business.

This is the Canaltech Podcast, published from Tuesday to Saturday, at 7 am on our website and on podcast aggregators.

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This episode was scripted and hosted by Gustavo Minari. The program also featured reports by Felipe Demartini, Nathan Vieira, Igor Almenara and Fidel Forato. Editing by Jully Cruz Audio review by Gabriel Rimi and Mari Capetinga. The soundtrack is a creation of Guilherme Zomer and the cover of this program is made by Erick Teixeira.

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