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Why do you feel dizzy after a tremor?

Why do you feel dizzy after a tremor?

According to the Colombian Geological Service (SGC), the strong telluric movement had a magnitude of 6.1 with an aftershock 15 minutes later of 5.6.

  1. Sensation of movement of the ground, although this is not real.
  2. Perception that your body moves involuntarily.
  3. In some cases, desire to vomit, heavy head and vertigo.

According to the specialized center for balance therapy and compensation of the nervous system, ‘Balance Stibular Rehab’, “the population with levels of daily anxiety and post tremor stress” are more likely to have greater symptoms of dizziness.

This is because a seismic movement represents an intense threat situation and the body goes on alert. For this reason, sensitive people are the ones who can suffer the most on a physical level from the consequences of the telluric effect.

According to the popular science magazine of the University of San Luis Potosí in Mexico, Post tremor dizziness syndrome occurs in the vestibular system, which is located in the inner ear and is responsible for body balance.

Because of the exposure of geological movement, “an imbalance can be caused in the inner ear, causing the information sent by both ears to be incorrect. The discrepancy between them is what produces the sensation of dizziness and vertigo,” the magazine states.

The normal thing about the symptom is that it lasts a few minutes, however, to prevent this discomfort from spreading, you can fix your eyes on a certain point while the earthquake occurs and breathe slowly and deeply.

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