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Wildfire consumes 150 acres in Miami-Dade

Wildfire consumes 150 acres in Miami-Dade

And Forest fire broke out Sunday afternoon in western Miami-Dade County and has consumed at least 150 acres as of Monday morning, the Florida Forest Service confirmed.

The government agency indicated that around 50 percent of the fire has been contained thanks in part to the Tamiami Channel, the television station reported. Local 10 News.

The fire was reported around 2:14 pm on Sunday, in the area of ​​Southwest 137th Avenue and 8th Street, and 18 fire units responded. Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR), to help the Forest Service quell it.

In addition, the air rescue unit was activated to carry out water discharge maneuvers from the air with the purpose of containing the fire.

After the forest fire started, authorities closed the roads. However, despite the persistence of smoke, they were reopened on Monday morning.

The Fire Department indicated that people with respiratory problems should stay inside buildings and keep doors and windows closed.

Neighbors in the area affected by the fire have regretted the event.

Michelle Izquierdo said that in the 20 years she has lived in the area it is not the first time she has seen devastation of this type, however, it is still sad.

Last December, A forest fire devastated a grass area in Miami and left impressive images taken from the air by the firefighters who acted to extinguish it.

The fire started at Southwest 119th Avenue and 168th Street, and by the time officers arrived, nearly five acres had burned, according to the event page. OnlyinDadewho shared the video on Instagram.

At the end of March 2018, several fire crews went to fight a wildfire that started in western Miami-Dade County and consumed more than 700 acresfavored by the wind and the lack of rain that was recorded in those days.

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