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Will ChatGPT facilitate the 4-day week?

  • ChatGPT could open the door to the 4-day week
  • By making us more productive, the tool would allow us to devote more time to leisure
  • But that will take time

ChatGPT here, ChatGPT there… OpenAI’s conversational tool is at the heart of all the debates. While experts say they are increasingly worried about the development of artificial intelligence and Italy has now banned ChatGPT, all does not seem so stormy. According to Christopher Pissarides, professor at the London School of Economics and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2010, ChatGPT could well be the key to implementing the four-day week.

Everyone talks about this famous four-day week. The model has already proven itself in some countries, such as Iceland and Spain, and many would like it to become the norm. With the explosion of ChatGPT, could this “dream” come true? Maybe. For Christopher Pissarides, artificial intelligence could greatly increase our productivity. Ultimately, this could allow employees to devote more time to their hobbies and finally move to the famous four-day week.

In the eyes of the specialist in the impact of work automation, these tools should be seen as allies rather than enemies. ChatGPT and the like could help automate boring tasks as well as solve the problem of sluggish productivity. If artificial intelligence is used wisely, it could have a strong impact on everyone’s productivity.

An impact that will take time

Despite his enthusiasm, Christopher Pissarides is aware of the problems posed by tools such as ChatGPT or Bard. In the wrong hands, artificial intelligence can be used to monitor users or invade their privacy. In addition, the use of ChatGPT still divides many Internet users. Some see it as an opportunity and a revolution while others, more skeptical, fear being replaced by AI.

According to a study by Goldman Sachs, conversational artificial intelligence could indeed threaten hundreds of millions of jobs around the world, including highly skilled professions… But also help increase annual global GDP.

But in any case, we will have to wait before seeing the impact of ChatGPT in the world of work. Despite the argument that artificial intelligence development is going too fast for the good of humanity, the transition will take a long time. Companies will slowly adopt these new technologies, which will allow employees to prepare for them. “It will take time to have a real impact and during that time people will adapt. What you need during this adjustment is above all an improvement in skills” explains Christopher Pissarides during an intervention in Glasgow.

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