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– Will exchange national team uniforms for tanks

Oleh Sobutsky is one of around twenty football veterans who this week left the front line and the war in his native Ukraine to Norway to ask for help.

On Wednesday, they had the opportunity to speak with Norway’s Minister of Defence, Bjørn Arild Gram.

FOOTBALL JERSEYS: Gram was also the recipient of a signed football jersey. The Ukrainians say they are happy to give one signed jersey for every tank they get. Photo: Goran Jorganovich / TV 2

A special wish came to light: More German-made Leopard tanks.

Oleh Sobutsky is himself an officer of the Ukrainian special forces and has fought at the front in Bakhmut.

– Getting eight Leopard tanks would be a big step towards our victory, Sobutsky said at the Storting.

Norway’s Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram did not want to confirm the request during the Ukrainians’ visit on Wednesday morning, but a few hours later the news came that Norway will join the ranks of countries that provide tanks to Ukraine.

Gram tells NRK that it is about Leopard tanks of the type 2A4. It is not yet known how many tanks Norway provides.

Earlier on Wednesday, Germany confirmed that it will send the Leopard 2 tank type to Ukraine. Shortly afterwards it also became clear that the Netherlands and Spain are ready to contribute in the same way.

The US is also contributing, announcing on Wednesday evening that it will donate 31 Abrams tanks.

VISIT: The veteran players have made the trip from the war in Ukraine to the Norwegian Parliament. Here they handed over a signed Ukrainian with the symbol of the special forces. Photo: Goran Jorganovich / TV 2

– I fully understand that this discussion is ongoing. We have a dialogue with Ukraine. I am not going to make a concrete announcement today, but I can assure you that we are working with significant contributions, replied Norway’s Minister of Defense during the veterans’ visit to the Storting.

Despite this statement, the news of tank donations came the same day.

Will exchange national team kits for tanks

Sobutsky is clearly marked by what he has experienced at the front.

The Special Forces officer himself says that he has injured himself in the fighting in Bakhmut.

TOUGH FIGHTS: TV 2 has been to Bakhmut several times, a place that has really experienced the brutality of war. Photo: Aage Aune / TV 2

In the meeting with the Minister of Defense was also Ukraine’s ambassador, Lilia Honcharevych. She also singled out the Leopard 2 tanks as an important contribution.

– Do you have good news for us? asked one of the players.

– Come on, please! Another player pleads, to the laughter of the Ukrainians.

Honcharevych also said that the players were willing to contribute a token gift for each tank gifted to Ukraine.

GIFT: Football player Oleh Sobutsky and the team from Ukraine meet Minister of Defense Bjørn Arild Gram Photo: Goran Jorganovich / TV 2

– The players are ready to exchange their national team kits for every Leopard tank we receive, says Honcharevych.

Brought a symbolic gift to the Storting

Oleh Sobutsky has been given permission to leave Ukraine this week. He is the president of the Ukrainian Veteran Football Association.

On Wednesday evening, he and the players travel to Lærdal municipality in Indre Sogn. There they will take part in the traditional veterans’ cup this weekend, where they will play against Norway’s unofficial veteran national team, among other things.

There will also be events in Lærdalsøyri tomorrow. Among other things, Tone Damli and several Ukrainian artists will perform songs. The players will also meet people who have had to flee Ukraine.

STARS: The former national team star Andriy Vorobey is among the Ukrainians who have made the trip to Norway. Photo: Oleksandr Techynskyi / TV 2

The former national team player, Evgeniy Levhenko, invited the Norwegian Minister of Defense to Ukraine. Together with Sobutsky, he also presented a special gift to the Storting.

A Ukrainian flag with the symbol of the special forces. The flag was signed by soldiers who have fought in the hard battles in Bakhmut.

– I will find a place where this can hang, so that we can show it to the employees and visitors. This is a strong symbol, said Norway’s Minister of Defense when he accepted the flag.

Bjørn Arild Gram also received a signed national team kit from the former national team players.

– Don’t forget us. We are fighting for our freedom and the future of the whole world. We want to thank the entire Norwegian people for their help, said one of the players and handed over the uniform to the Minister of Defence.

DESTROYED: The city of Bakhmut and its inhabitants have really felt the brutality of the Russians. Photo: Aage Aune / TV 2

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