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“Will have to be legally secure”: Jarasch doesn’t want a hasty shot with the expropriation law for Berlin

From the point of view of the Greens’ top candidate Bettina Jarasch, a law for the expropriation of large housing companies cannot be implemented quickly. “I am ready to draw up such a law. But it has a few conditions,” said the Senator for the Environment and Mobility on Friday evening at a talk event in the daily newspaper “taz” in Berlin. “And if we’re smart and we mean business, then we shouldn’t brush aside those conditions either.”

Everyone knows that such a law would be sued before the Federal and State Constitutional Courts, if not before the European Court of Justice, said Jarasch. “That means this law will have to be legally secure, and it means it won’t just come in a few months.”

In order to be considered legally secure, it must be clear, for example, that there are no milder means of achieving the goals of the law. And there must be adequate compensation. “Otherwise it will fail in court,” said the Greens’ top candidate. “And if it’s reasonable, we have to see what we can afford as a country.” All of this must be carefully considered. “Because I don’t want us to be stopped by the court with a law like the rent cap,” said Jarasch.

I don’t want us to be stopped by the court with a law like the rent cap.

Bettina Jarasch, Green Party top candidate

“We can’t do that, then the topic is dead for all time,” she warned. “And then the frustration of all the almost 60 percent of Berliners who signed it is so high that I think it’s really a political damage from which even a democracy doesn’t recover that quickly.”

Jarasch also commented on the Governing Mayor’s position on this issue. SPD top candidate Franziska Giffey said last week that she had taken an oath of office and could not reconcile it with her conscience to support expropriations. “The SPD itself has a different party congress resolution,” said Jarasch. “I hope that applies. I hope that in the end it will also apply to a top candidate.”

The expropriation of large housing companies is one of the most controversial campaign issues. Since April, a commission of experts set up by the Senate has been discussing whether and, if so, how the matter can be implemented. Left top candidate Klaus Lederer had spoken out in favor of presenting a draft law within a maximum of one year if the commission gives the green light. (dpa)

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