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Will they end 26 years of democratic stability?

A few days after finishing his term as President of the National Electoral Institute (formerly IFE), Lorenzo Córdova has reproached the ruling party for saying that Mexico has enjoyed democratic stability for almost ten years.

With all due respect, whoever writes this dares to disagree with his statement, because the democratic stability provided by free and fair elections has been enjoyed by Mexico since 1997, when the PRI lost its majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

In 26 years, the IFE, first and then the INE, have faced conflicts, the biggest being the disagreement in 2006 of the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Despite the political storm, democratic stability was maintained, thanks to the vigorous mechanisms of the electoral system to resolve conflicts.

Security: Anything to not rectify

Despite the increasingly optimistic statistics of the Government of the Republic, in real Mexico the effects of the “hugs, no bullets” policy and the growing influence of criminal gangs in the life of many communities are being felt.

Unfortunately for the Government of the Republic, its lax security policy has become an axiomatic dogma, by which any possibility of change is automatically rejected.

That would explain why Mexico has joined Colombia in proposing to the UN a campaign to declare the fight against drugs a failure and consider decriminalizing narcotics. Whatever, as long as you don’t back down.

Out of good sense, they approve an adjustment to Electoral Plan B

Perhaps the Governor Adán Augusto conveyed the message of the Morenista governors, who considered it a shot in the foot to limit social communication spending to 0.1 percent of the budget, according to the Social Communication Law.

That cap, in addition to being unconstitutional, had no political logic in an electoral year like 2024, or in subsequent elections that the governors would face, since, even if the tenant of the Palace leaves, they stay.

Canceling that article could, just could, be the first sign that, even for the most powerful president in 50 years, the Porfirian axiom is still valid: “it is more difficult to govern Mexicans than to herd turkeys on horseback.”

swirling notes

The narrative with which the head of the Economy, Raquel Buenrostro, has faced the issue of transgenic corn, will be put to the test, since Washington sent the message that the consultations cannot be eternal… The Political Coordination Board of the Chamber of Deputies approved that the shortlist of applicants to occupy the presidency of the General Council of the INE is made up only of women. What is written is written… Ah, the interest. US Ambassador Kenneth Salazar was in Campeche to witness the commissioning of what they say will be the second largest solar energy field in Mexico. It will be -of course- Atlas Renewable Energy, whose head office is in New York… If the Senate does not challenge President López Obrador, he will have achieved his objective of annulling INAI by making it impossible for the missing counselor to be appointed… A wise reflection of the Italian actor and comedian Roberto Benigni: “Only the mediocre show their gratitude in moderation”…

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