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Windows 11: notifications will no longer bother you thanks to this new feature, what is it?

Windows 11 unveils its new feature called Smart opt-out which allows you to disable notifications on a case-by-case basis! A relief for users who are tired of being bothered by alerts. Until now, you had to turn them all off.

Windows 11 © Microsoft

If you have a device under Windows 11, which has had its share of changes with the KB5025305 update, you are aware that the operating system has a notification system. Functionality also present in Windows 10. Except that these notifications are often intrusive and follow one another for nothing. To avoid this spam, Microsoft is unveiling a big new feature for this system with the ability to customize notifications.

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Adjustable notifications for a better experience

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It was time ! After long months of receiving notifications, sometimes for nothing, Windows 11 finally allows you to manage their frequency of appearance. Until now, you had to choose the concentration session option or disable all notifications.

In short, Windows 11 learns from your use and offers you disable notifications from apps you don’t really use (for several weeks). Disabling notifications on a case-by-case basis is much more advantageous than removing all alerts or activating the concentration session. As for those that are of great importance to you, Windows 11 will make sure to highlight them.

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When will this feature for notifications be available?

At this time, only Windows 11 preview users can take advantage of this trial feature. Then, this system to modulate notifications will be deployed in the coming months with the 23H2 version of the ecosystem, i.e. in the second half of this year. Note that this novelty bears the name, in the language of Shakespeare, of Smart opt-out.

With this feature, Microsoft, whose Xbox sales have collapsed, is likely to make people happy. constantly bothered by notifications. Windows 11 only gets better with updates and new features.

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