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Windows 11: the Notepad application will soon have tabs, a Microsoft employee accidentally reveals it

A Microsoft employee has mistakenly revealed a handy new feature in Notepad in Windows 11. The app may soon have tabs to make it easier to separate and organize notes.

Available for decades, Notepad is one of Windows’ most iconic apps. The app arrived for the first time in 1983 with MS-DOS. Since then, each version of Microsoft’s operating system is entitled to its own Notepad. Windows 11, which hosted Android 13 in beta, is therefore no exception to the rule. Its Notepad could even soon acquire of a new feature revolutionary for the app.

Windows 11 © Windows / Unsplash

A Microsoft employee mistakenly disclosed thata tabs feature is being developed for Notepad. He even tweeted a screenshot of the development version before realizing his mistake. The tweet was quickly deleted, but not before it was saved and picked up by other internet users.

Notepad in Windows 11 will soon be able to open multiple .txt files in the same window

The employee in question is a senior product manager at Microsoft. He shared on Twitter a screenshot of Notepad with the following announcement: “ Notepad in Windows 11 now has tabs “. You can see in the tweet below what notepad looks like with tabs. Even if Windows 11 is still very little used in the world, users will surely appreciate this feature which will make it easier to organize their notes.

As can be seen in the screenshot, the version of Notepad under development displays the following warning: ” Confidential, do not discuss features or take screenshots “. This indicates that the tabs functionality is still there. to the first internal tests at Microsoft. The product manager was probably so eager to announce the new Notepad feature that he ignored the warning.

The new Notepad feature will allow multiple tabs to be opened and therefore multiple .txt files in the same window. This is the first time Windows Notepad has shown tabs. This feature is expected to be available to Windows Insider Program users in 2023. Microsoft obviously hasn’t confirmed anything yet.

Source : The Verge

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