Windows 11 will have an “end task” function on the taskbar when right-clicking an open app. The new feature is currently being tested through Windows 11 build 25300, made available on the Dev channel for Windows Insider users.

It will be possible to end tasks directly from the Windows 11 taskbar

‘End task’ button can be accessed from the Windows 11 taskbar. Source: Oficina da Net

The user “PhantomOfEarth” on Twitter published screenshots showing the option to “end task” (“end task”) through the taskbar on Wednesday (15) of last week.

Soon you will be able to quickly end an entire task/process by right-clicking on the taskbar and choosing a new ‘End task’ option, Task Manager style.

Screenshot of the ‘end task’ button on the Windows 11 taskbar. Source: PhantomOfEarth

How to use the new function?

First of all, you need to register Microsoft’s Windows Insider Program to receive the Windows 11 build 25300 preview update. Once this is done, you must install the ViveTool software, available for download on GitHuband run the following command:

vivetool /enable /id:42592269

It is important to mention that the end-task functionality on the taskbar can be dangerous, as you may accidentally select it and close an application before saving the work done.