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Winter magic in the playground

MS Baumgarten director Ulrike Mersnik and her students were happy to finally celebrate a big school festival together again.

The MS Baumgarten invited again to the winter school festival.

Dornbirn. The MS Baumgarten in Dornbirn seems to have a particularly good relationship with the weather god Petrus. Just in time for the start of this year’s school festival, which was all about “Winter Magic”, thick snowflakes fell from the sky in style and formed the perfect setting for the successful event, which took place in this form for the third time. “In 2019 we had the idea of ​​simply moving the school festival to winter for the first time, and it was so well received that it quickly became clear that this had to be repeated,” explained school director Ulrike Mersnik.

However, the third sequel was more than two years away due to the corona, but the joy last Friday was huge. Finally we could celebrate together again on a large scale. “… because the school festival is supposed to be a community experience for everyone – students, teachers, parents and friends,” emphasized the overjoyed headmistress.

Almost 1000 people crowded the playground and didn’t want to miss the big “winter show” on the specially set up stage. Each school class had come up with a small show program to present themselves creatively. The performances ranged from poems, juggling and skipping rope performances to original dance performances or shadow plays. At the grand finale, all the students finally gathered to sing “This little light of mine”. Goosebumps were guaranteed in the audience.

Perfect organization from the Parents Association

But there was enough time to warm up afterwards. Whether with fine punch, hot dogs or raclette, all visitors enjoyed a carefree evening in a magical and very sociable atmosphere. The school’s dedicated parents’ association, headed by EV chairperson Tina Khüny, provided perfect catering for the numerous guests, including former school inspector Wolfgang Karlinger and school quality manager Monika Steurer. And this year’s big tombola also provided many moments of happiness, because the prizes collected were impressive: trips to the Alpin Coaster on the Golm, to the Skyline Park, to Lacer Tec and bowling vouchers as well as great games, there was something for everyone (action ) Taste something.

In the end, however, everyone was actually a winner at the MS Baumgarten school festival, because the mission “beautiful community experience” was more than successful and bestowed on everyone involved. (cth)

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